Taritri Bhattacharjee | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S. | May 2025 | Exploiting Fokker-Planck Equation for Tracking Error Control: Application to Transport in Cislunar Regime |
Matthew Brownell | Dr. Puneet Singla | Ph.D. | May 2025 | Control-Amenable Modeling of Large, Flexible, Deployable Spacecraft |
William Corvino | Dr. Puneet Singla | | | |
Christopher Cosgrove | Dr. Roshan Eapen | | | |
Vishnu Dasari | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S. | December 2024 | Optimizing Sensor Tasking for a Reachability Set Search using a Mutual Information Approach |
Aden Funkhouser | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S. | December 2024 | Differential Correction: Optimal Interception of an Evasive Missile |
Andrew Glenn | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S., Ph.D. | May 2026, May 2029 | Spacecraft Dynamics in the Cislunar Regime |
Ryan Glenn | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S., Ph.D. | December 2024, May 2027 | State Estimation of Aerospace Vehicles |
Jonathon Hope | Dr. Robert Melton | | | |
Amit Jane | Dr. Puneet Singla | | | |
Mackenzie Mangette | Dr. Roshan Eapen | Ph.D. | December 2026 | Hamilton-Jacobi Theory Applied to Data-Driven Modeling |
Madeline Mayer | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S., Ph.D. | | |
Joseph Murray | Dr. Roshan Eapen | M.S. | May 2026 | |
Nathaniel Osikowicz | Dr. Puneet Singla | Ph.D. | August 2026 | Design and Analysis of Tendon Actuated Structural Modules for In-Space Assembled Reflectors |
Mauro Patimo | Dr. Puneet Singla | | | |
Zachary Preissman | Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S. | May 2025 | Robust Control for Rendezvous and Close Proximity Operations |
Sharad Sharan | Dr. Robert Melton and Dr. Puneet Singla | Ph.D. | May 2025 | Design of Low-Thrust Trajectories from Low-Earth Orbit to Distant Retrograde Orbits by Particle Swarm Optimization |
Graeme Sutterlin | Dr. Roshan Eapen and Dr. Puneet Singla | M.S., Ph.D. | May 2025, May 2028 | Guidance and Navigation for Safe Proximity Operations |
Carlos Vargas Venegas | Dr. Puneet Singla | Ph.D. | | |
Vivek Verma | Dr. Roshan Eapen and Dr. Puneet Singla | Ph.D. | December 2027 | Optimal Control to Deflect Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) Using Laser |